More Flash Flooding in Fairfield - Please Read Info from Fairfield Below

Here is this morning's chart from the National Weather Bureau, showing high levels of water in the Passaic River.
Diane Lilli

It's 2:00 a.m. and the rain won't stop.

The beleaguered township of Fairfield is enduring yet another rain storm, and with everyone already suffering from the hurricane and millions of dollars of damage, this new barrage of rain and rising river water is wreaking new havoc.

The township of Fairfield is keeping residents posted as fast as they can.

Here is the latest information from the township. Updates later this morning. The local CERT team is gearing up to go back to work again, with supplies. A new shelter should be set up by later today (Thursday) as well. Details to follow.

This is a message from the Office of Emergency Management. The most recent flood estimates show a crest of 22.5 at 5pm, Friday, September 9th. At these levels there will still be serious impact to some neighborhoods as well roadway closures. We anticipate Route 46 Eastbound being closed by Thursday early evening.

The American Red Cross will be providing hot meals (lunch and dinner) to flood effected victims within the Township beginning Thursday, September 8th. Meals will be served by a mobile unit traveling impacted areas.

Sand and bags are available Thursday, September 8th behind the Municipal Building from 8:30am-3:30pm.

Road Closures as of 5:30pm,September 7th are Horseneck Road @ Big Piece Road, Commerce Road @ Plymouth Street, Stewart Place @ Gardner Road, Matt Drive, Two Bridges Road into Lincoln Park. Flash flooding along Dwight Place near Just Road. Spielman Road and Gloria Lane has receded slightly road blocks warning of flooding are in place.