A Sure Win on Super bowl Sunday: Interfaith March for Peace & Unity

Sunday, February 5 - noon


A humanitarian march comprised of religious leaders and people of ALL faiths invites you to join them, on Sunday, February 5 at noon.

The Interfaith March for Peace & Unity will kick off at 12 and leave you plenty of time for the big game.

Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and other religious leaders, will join hands with a loving humanitarian message to the world - and the White House: Please let all faiths in to the United States.

Faith leaders will be offering prayers and prayerful messages about peace and dignity, values that unite all faith traditions. These leaders will include Rev. Joseph Kwiatkowski (Archdiocese of Newark), Imam Qatanani (Islamic Center of Passaic County), Rabbi Elyse Frishman (Barnert Temple), Rev. Dr. Kenneth Clayton (St. Luke Baptist Church), Rev. Alison Miller (Unitarian Universalist NJ Congregations) and others.

Meet at the corner of Clark St. and Ward st. in Paterson N.J.

Rally in Overlook Park at Great Falls National Park in Paterson