Land Pro’s Landscaping Donates to West Caldwell Firehouse

Left to right: Ed Malia, John Fierro, WC Mayor Joe Tempesta, WC Fire Chief James Alvine

Ed Malia and John Fierro, partners in Land Pro’s Landscaping and two life long residents of West Caldwell wanted to give back to their community. As they have in the past, Ed and John recently donated the material and labor toward installing the sprinkler systems and donated the labor installing the sod at the recently renovated West Caldwell Firehouse. Last year Land Pro’s donated the landscaping plantings, material, and labor in front of the West Caldwell Civic Center.

West Caldwell Mayor Joseph Tempesta stated, “We are very appreciative of the donation toward our “new” firehouse and commend Land Pro’s for their generous donation. I have known Ed Malia and John Fierro a long time and both are great people with great families that have lived here all of their lives. In the true spirit giving of back to the community, once again West Caldwell has demonstrated we are a caring community and we are truly grateful for citizens like Ed Maila and John Fierro.”

The West Caldwell Volunteer Fire Department is celebrating their 100th Anniversary this year and has several recognition events planned. The first took place on Aug. 5th with an ice cream social for department members and their families sponsored the by the Volunteer Firemen’s Association. The next event is a community celebration on September 22nd from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the newly renovated Firehouse on Fairfield Avenue. Another event is being planned for Sunday Nov. 11th commemorating the formal re-dedication of the establishment of a West Caldwell Volunteer Fire Department and re-dedication of the newly renovated building and will include a short parade. The final event will be the Firemen’s Testimonial Dinner to be held on Friday evening November 30th at Mountain Ridge Country Club.