Offical Intelligence report included here

From Russia without Love: U.S. Intelligence Confirms Election and Democrat Party Hacked by Russia

Presidential Election successfully impacted by Russia cyber attack

Diane Lilli

The United States Intelligence Departments are unanimous in reporting Russia, under President Vladimir V. Putin, directed a wide hack with one purpose: to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president. This shocking report is being reported by ALL U.S. intelligence agencies as "100% accurate" and adds that the goal was to help president elect Donald Trump win the election. This is a very sophisticated cyber hack, and whether or not Trump would have been elected is a moot point. The briefing to president elect Donald Trump yesterday involved more classified information than the public declassfied document, below, but the message from the agencies is clear: make no mistake, this was a very successful cyber attack that did impact American democracy and the election of our next president.

The United States Intelligence Departments are unanimous in reporting Russia, under President Vladimir V. Putin, directed an anti-democracy hack with one purpose: to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president. This shocking report is being reported by ALL U.S. intelligence agencies as "100% accurate" and adds that the goal was to help president elect Donald Trump win the election. This is a very sophisticated cyber hack, and whether or not Trump would have been elected is a moot point. The briefing to president elect Donald Trump yesterday involved more classified information than the public declassfied document, below, but the message from the agencies is clear: make no mistake, this was a very successful cyber attack that did impact American democracy and the election of our next president.

On December 9, 2016, President Barack Obama directed the Intelligence Community to conduct a full review and produce a comprehensive intelligence report assessing Russian activities and intentions in recent U.S. elections.
The shocking results prove beyond any doubt that Russia hacked into the Democrat Party's server, with the goal to upset the election and harm candidate Hillary Clinton.
This is the first time a foreign government has successfully attacked the United States democratic voting process to such a great extent.
Incoming president Donald Trump had nothing to do with this hack, and the results of the election stand true. No voting machines were found to be tampered with.
However, fake news and released emails did impact American's decisions on election day, due to this hacking.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Statement on Declassified Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections released the link to the intelligence reports.

Click here to read the declassified document in full.