Letter sent from ALL THE POST OFFICE WORKERS in Shrewsbury, Mass.

ALL the Post Office workers from Shrewsbury, Mass. plead: We beg for your help!

JTP is working on a petition to send the President of the United States and Congress

Diane Lilli

Over the past few months, I have been sharing horror stories coming out of the United States Post Office.
If these tales of abuse by management were unfounded or untrue, I would expect they would come from one or perhaps two locations. Instead, however, letters have been sent to TheJerseyTomatoPress.com from locations including numerous towns in New Jersey, numerous towns in California, Boston and Shrewsbury Mass., Virginia, Georgia and a few more.
As an editor, this coast-to-coast reporting of routine abuse is shocking to me. Other than a bland response from a New Jersey manager in response to local complaints of a very serious manner (click here to read), there has been no response from the Post Master General.
But the power of the internet is not waning. Now, over 300,000 people have read these tales of abuse. And I believe it may be time to take this
serious string of allegations of abuse of postal workers by their management to the next level.
I am going to start a petition, and will publish it here in a day or so. If enough people sign it, I know we can bring this to Congress.
A few major television networks have already reached out about this story, but perhaps we can take it to Washington D.C. and try to make some positive change for what appears to be a rampant hostile abuse of power within numerous locations of the United States Post Office.
Here is one of the new letters that just came to our post office box.
Again, these are allegations and not proven - yet.
Please note: all typos have been kept since this is an exact scan.

To read previous chain of post office abuse articles, click here....each piece will lead you to the previous one.

Letter from Shrewsbury, Mass.

From ALL the postar employees in Shrewsbury, MA we beg for your help! Ever since Postmaster Scot Florio was expelled from two previous offices and thrown in Shrewsbury Massachusetts it has literately been a nightmare for the whole office. By far the worst management we have ever had, period. The postmaster Mr. Scot Florio thinks we are his personal slaves. He is an expert manipulating documents for his own gain, and the way Scot Frorio is running things here is totally different from what Boston District Management thinks. He documents false complaints against punishment for the carriers when they get sick or sets them up so you can not perform up to standards by giving you extra pieces of another route and lots more work for you to do in the same amount of time with no overtime pay. We have never ever seen such thing from a human being to another.
There is no consideration from this man. The New England winters are strong and steady, some of us carriers are in their 50's and like any other human being we get injuries and by adding lots of more work it literally is impossible to do so much in the same amount of time.
This postmaster has cut so many routes that we deliver an average of 40 percent more mail than any other same size city. This has Ied to so much extra stress that we cannot take it any more.
The pressure that we get no other city gets. This is not a USSP problem, this is a Shrewsbury problem.
Scot Florio is the probrem. We work every day in a HOSTILE ENVTRONMENT caused by Scot Florio. We NEED help. When Scot Florio snaps,we all feeI THREATENED.
We know that at any point he can make something up and use it against us. Scot Florio incites too much STRESS among the employees in this office. The workplace is out of control TENSE because of Scot Florio's poor management and all of us KNOW that its just a matter of time then this can erupt into violence.
There is no one else to go to because He is our highest management. Complaints to District has done nothing. Grievances has done nothing.
You are our only hope to help us get scot Florio OUT of Shrewsbury.
We all love OUR jobs,
We refuse to work under this environment, it is not healthy.
The customers can see it and we are experiencing it. Please help us move him from
this facility,
This is NOT good for the community. We need our customers to understand the problem is not our fault, but the management's fault.
Thank you very much for Your help.
Al Shrewsbury Postal Employees.